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Cod from the oven

May 01, 2018

Cod fillet from the oven with dill and tomatoes.
Dinner for 2:
400gr cod fillet 
8 Small tomatoes (cut in halfs)
2 twigs of dill
2 tablespoons of capers
Olive oil 
Fresh Lemon
chili sauce 
2 big sweet potatoes 
2 regular potatoes 
500 grams of brocolli
Pepper and salt 
Preheat the oven
400 fahrenheit
Peal potatoes and cook in water for 20-25 min, add a pinch of salt. Mash potatoes with a masher, add 3 tablespoons of chili sauce and freshly ground black pepper.
Season the fish with pepper and salt, a table spoon of olive oil and put them in an ovenproof baking dish. Spread the juice of half a lemon, the tomatoes and the capers over the fish.
Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Evenly divide the dill over the dish after it’s done.
Steam the broccoli for 5 minutes and serve together with the cod and potato mash !
200 gr cod 
250 gr mashed potatoes
150gr broccoli 
pr: 43g
carbs: 60g
fats: 3g

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